FAQ for SB172
(Work Zone and Roosevelt Blvd Speed Camera’s)
SB172 was originally introduce by: Senator Argall
Co-Sponsors: Senators Schwank, Vulakovich, Scavello, Brewster, Tartaglione, Costa, Yudichak, Rafferty, Browne, Regan and Blake.
Bill pass out of the Senate in late 2017 and was sent to the House Transportation Committee in October 2017 where it was amended to include HB 1187 – Speed Cameras for Roosevelt Blvd (Route 1 in Philadelphia). It currently is awaiting a floor vote.
The current version of PA Senate Bill (SB172) will permit a 5-year pilot for the use of speed cameras in two specific areas: (i) in active work-zones throughout the Commonwealth and (ii) on the Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia.
Why will speed cameras save lives and reduce injuries?
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), speeding is the number one contributor to road fatalities and serious injuries. In 2016, IIHS studied the long running speed camera program in Montgomery County, Maryland and found that the overall effect of Maryland’s speed cameras was a 19-39% reduction in the likelihood that a crash resulted in an incapacitating or fatal injury. The higher end of the range was achieved when the speed cameras were used as part of a corridor strategy, elements of which are similar to what is proposed for Roosevelt Boulevard.
We already have red light cameras, why do we need speed cameras?
Roosevelt Boulevard is safer because of red light cameras: red light running has been shown to have decreased by half after 24 months of implementation. A 2017 report also indicated there was a 77% decrease in injuries and a 30% reduction in all crashes having red-light cameras. However, not all intersections are covered and there are long stretches of roadway where people can gain speed and there are still a significant number of crashes and an average of ten fatalities per year on the Boulevard.
Isn’t this just another government money grab?
No. It is about changing people’s behavior. To ensure it is not, the law requires that any surplus funds (those over and above the cost of operating the system) will go into a PennDOT lockbox for roadway safety projects. Half of that amount will go to projects outside Philadelphia; half will go to projects in Philadelphia. This lockbox approach is based upon the successful ARLE (Automated Red Light Enforcement) program in Philadelphia which has generate more than $50,000,000 for safety projects throughout the Commonwealth since 2005.
Who supports this law?
There is a large coalition of Pennsylvanians that support this bill that includes the Vision Zero Alliance members:
5th Square
AAA Mid-Atlantic
AARP Pennsylvania
African American Chamber
American Heart Association
Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
Center City District
Clean Air Council
The Enterprise Center
Feet First Philly
Family of Emily Fredericks
Garden Court Community Association
City Avenue Special Services District
Greater Philadelphia Area Realtors
10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania
Thomas Jefferson University
McMahon Associates
People’s Emergency Center
The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia
Philadelphia Parks Alliance
Public Health Management Corporation
Piscitello Law
Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky
Smart Growth America – Delaware Valley Alliance
Stuart Leon | Bicycle Crash Law
University City District
Division of Public Safety – University of Pennsylvania
West Philadelphia YMCA .
Why not add more police patrols instead?
The Roosevelt Boulevard has no shoulders and carries 100,000 vehicles per day. As a result, the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police reports that pull over enforcement on Roosevelt Boulevard is largely impractical and often dangerous to the officers themselves.
If you drive the entire length of Roosevelt Boulevard and exceed the speed limit multiple times will you receive multiple tickets? No. Only 1 ticket will be issued by the administrator.
Is there a grace period?
SB172 provides for a 30 day grace period before the speed cameras go into full effect.
Will there be warnings before actually issuing speed tickets?
Yes, there is a 30 day warning (grace) period which commences once system becomes active but prior to fines being authorized. A public notice on Department website is also required by the law. The speed enforcement areas will have signs preceding the speed enforcement locations to provide warning to motorists.
Who is liable for the violation?
The owner of the vehicle is liable for the ticket.
What is the penalty for a violation?
For the Work Zones the fine is $40 but can’t be issued without a 5 day warning period.
Warning notices can be issued during that time frame.
For Roosevelt Blvd:
In the first thirty days of the program there shall be no fines. Thereafter, the law calls for a maximum speeding ticket of $150, with no surcharge points, insurance merit ratings or affect to the motorists driving record. It also provides flexibility to the City of Philadelphia to approve by ordinance fines of $50 for first offence, $100 for the second, $150 for the third and subsequent offences. The goal is not revenue generation, but to shift motorist behavior through increasing fines for repeat offenders.
Can you appeal an automated speed camera ticket?
Yes, they are listed in 3370 subsec (G) and are 1) owner not driver, 2) stolen vehicle 3) not owner at time of offence, and 4) improperly calibrated enforcement equipment.
Fines must be issued 30 days after the incident.
What happens if you do not pay your automated speed camera ticket?
After 90 days the Turnpike Commission for work zone cameras, and Philadelphia Parking Authority for Roosevelt Blvd will turn unpaid notices to credit agencies. The infractions will not impact your ability of the owner of the vehicle to renew their registration or insurance. There are no-points issued with any violation.