Bill No. 200479 (Jones): Amending the “Fair Criminal Record Screening” standards preventing unfair discrimination against those previously convicted of criminal offenses; expanding the definition of employer and employee, preventing adverse action against “summary offenses” when criminal history is shared, and creating an avenue for private right of action
Resolution No. 200490 (Bass): Authorizing hearings about the citywide historic preservation survey and impact of historic designation of development, specifically in underserved and/or low-income areas.
Below is pending legislation on which action has been taken in the last week.
Bill No. 200303 (Brooks): Establishing leave time for public health emergencies, modifying existing provisions concerning paid sick leave (Enacted Signed by Mayor)
Resolution No. 200460 (Oh): Appointing 15 Individuals to the Philadelphia Fashion and Garment Industry Task Force (Resolution Adopted)
Wednesday, September 23: Committee on Fiscal Stability and Intergovernmental Cooperation (9:30 am)
· Resolution No. 200406: Quarterly hearing about the fiscal stability and progress toward social impact goals of the City
Tuesday, September 29: Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development and the Homeless (9:30 am, Tentatively Scheduled)
· Resolution No. 200408: Hearing on the impact of Covid-19 on the homeless, evictions, and residential foreclosures and the City’s efforts to combat the aforementioned
Wednesday, September 30: Joint Committee on Finance & Commerce and Economic Development (9:30 am)
· Resolution No. 200336: Hearing regarding Philadelphia’s safe, equitable, robust economic recovery for the coronavirus pandemic
New regulations must be approved by the Law Department and then filed with the Department of Records and advertised publicly for 30 days before becoming law. Within this period, any member of the public who is affected may request a hearing through the Department of Records. Note: Some regulations pertain to older legislation and processes that are already in place, but not yet formally adopted.
Consistent with Mayor Kenney’s March 11, 2020 Declaration of Extraordinary Circumstance, certain regulations related to Covid-19 may take effect immediately before following the typical public approval process.
Public Health: COVID-19 Prevention — Indoor Dining & Theater
Amendment to emergency regulations related to Indoor Dining and Theater operations during the COVID-19 emergency
9/11/2020 Temporary Regulations Posted
Public Health: COVID-19 Prevention — Indoor Exercise and Recreation Facilities
Amendment to emergency regulations related to Indoor Exercise and Recreation Facilities operations during the COVID-19 emergency
9/11/2020 Temporary Regulations Posted
Licenses and Inspections: COVID-19 Temporary Outdoor Uses
Amendment to emergency regulations related to operating certain business types outdoors to include Personal Services in addition to Eating and Drinking Establishments and Retail Sale
9/8/2020 Temporary Regulations Posted
Managing Director’s Office: Sidewalk Cafes and Streeteries
Regulations relating to licensing for temporary expansion of Sidewalk Cafes and “Streeteries” authorized under Bill No. 200351 and No. 200352 due to the COVID-19 emergency
8/31/2020 Temporary Regulations Posted