Thu., April 26, 2018 Education

William R. Hite, Jr., Ed.D., Superintendent, The School District of Philadelphia, shares the District’s Action Plan Update, showcasing how it supports student’s potential.

Our commitment to our students–and our pride in them–is as limitless as their futures. I’m proud to share the School District of Philadelphia’s Action Plan Update with you that showcases how we are supporting our students’ potential.

From improved early literacy scores, the highest graduation rate in over a decade, increased attendance, and improved school climates, parents, students and teachers feel the momentum and see the measurable progress we are making. I encourage you to learn more about our Action Plan update at:

It is no coincidence that, as our public schools are improving, Philadelphia is drawing national interest from companies like Amazon and Apple, and is the most millennial-friendly city in America. In order to continue to attract new families and new economic opportunity, we must continue to invest in Philadelphia’s public schools so we can create the skilled workforce of tomorrow to drive our city and region’s economy.

In March I presented the School District of Philadelphia’s FY2019 budget which expands our early literacy work, and increases high school academic program offerings across the city. It modernizes classrooms, makes significant capital improvements in schools across the city, and continues the vital work of keeping our schools safe and welcoming places for children. I have attached a one-page document highlighting our investment plan for you to read and share.

Over the last four straight years we have achieved fiscal stability, but if we don’t solidify our funding now we could lose all that we have accomplished. We cannot go back to cutting programs and laying off teachers, counselors, nurses and support staff. That’s why Mayor Kenney’s school funding plan, which would bring sustained, naturally growing revenues to our schools, is the next critical step to controlling our future and continuing our progress.

If you wish to get involved with our public schools, please visit PhillyFundamentals at to donate to or support an individual school, or, consider volunteering to read to a child at

Thank you for your time and your commitment to the children of the city of Philadelphia.

William R. Hite, Jr., Ed.D.,Superintendent, School District of Philadelphia

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