Is your business experiencing tough times? The Merchants Fund might be able to help. The Merchants Fund is a Philadelphia charity established in 1854 to provide charitable gifts to business persons facing financial hardship. GRANT DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2018.
Each year The Merchants Fund makes small grants to small businesses that have been legally established in the City of Philadelphia for at least three years. These grants are to be used for projects, not working capital. The Merchants Fund offers two specific grants:
1. BUSINESS STABILIZATION GRANTS up to $10,000 to help small businesses remain stable, viable and grow in the face of economic challenges or to respond to opportunities.
2. BUSINESS LOAN MATCH GRANTS up to $20,000 to match accredited government programs or bank loans at least dollar for dollar.
GRANT DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2018. Note that your application AND supplemental materials must be postmarked or completed on line and by email by 5 PM on 2.28.2018.
To go directly to the application page, please visit this link.