Mon., May 7, 2018 Small Business

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is designed for business owners who have a business poised for growth!  It is an educational program that drives business growth, increases job creation and drives the business owner to work on their business (strategically) and not work in their business.  This program, designed by Babson College of Boston, goes beyond the basic concepts that many small business courses present and concentrates on a much deeper level of business strategy execution and growth.

Participants gain practical business skills that can immediately be put into action.  They will be given one-on-one professional support (Business Advisors) to develop a strategic and customized growth plan.  A network of support will be created for participants in the form of subject matter experts, powerful peer learning, networking opportunities, alumni services and access to capital.  Within the alumni ecosystem, 86% buy products /services from each other.

Requirements for enrollment are:

      Owner or Co-Owner

      Minimum of two years in business

      $150,000 (minimum in revenue)

      Four (4) employees


Application deadline is June 18, 2018

Classes start September 6, 2018

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