GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS: Welcome back, Philadelphia City Council

Tue., September 13, 2016 Uncategorized

CityHall1Welcome back, Philadelphia City Council!  Summer recess is over, and Council returned September 8.  Our friends at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce highlighted these events.  Thanks, Liz Ferry!

  •  Councilwomen Blondell Reynolds Brown and Maria Quinones Sanchez put forth legislation that alters how a business is designated as “local,” requiring an entity’s primary place of business to be within city limits or to meet other requirements. A “local” business receives preference in bidding opportunities from the city.
  • Council President Darrell Clarke paved the way for a measure that would give the city’s Land Bank preference when the city sells the lien on a tax delinquent property. The Land Bank would need to be notified before any sales.
  • Councilwoman Helen Gym introduced a bill that would affect already enacted legislation that requires contractors on certain types of projects to pay prevailing wage.

Also, the Philly Chamber said goodbye to their Government Affairs guru Joe Grace:

From GPCC President Rob Wonderling: “For the past 3 1/2 years Joe has been on the vanguard of all of our advocacy work with our local government. He has been deeply committed to our members, our partners, our City Council, Mayor, and a diverse array of community groups that dot our landscape.

Time and time again Joe has deployed his keen intellect, boundless energy, and passion for Philadelphia on our shared agenda for individual empowerment and business growth, and prosperity.

During his tenure, Joe has always led with tact and diplomacy (especially when legislative deadlines and complex policy issues would fray the nerves of lesser men and women).

We express our gratitude for Joe’s service.

We wish him the best of luck and Godspeed!”

Always remember: Out of many, one.

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